Coming soon: Online shopping for my most love quilting tools and patterns. Until then: click below to find my favorite tools on Amazon. This is my favorite way to add more light right at my sewing machine.
Ottlight desk lamp has both warm and cool light settings and is endlessly adjustable. I use this at my sewing machine/computer space, attractive and functional.
Seam Ripper - Hate removing stitches? A sharp seam ripper always makes the job more enjoyable. Buy 6 and put one by every machine.
Longarm Quilting Pins - Large corsage type pins. They hold without ripping or bending. They last forever without dulling or rusting. I love them.
Side Clamps - elastic clamps to hold your quilt sides taught without stretching.
Wonder Woman socks - just for fun.
Steelie Phone Mount - a solid tool to mount your tablet or phone at your machine.
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